Journey to The Summer- WEEK 1 (19/03- 25/03)

Welcome to the first entry on my 8 week diet blog- Journey to The Summer: a diet and fitness series.

Coming into University I was a comfortable size 8. Of course, many people have insecurities about their body and so I would not say I was completely happy, but I was not body conscious at all. First year was difficult for me in many ways and these issues and lack of care manifested themselves into poor eating habits, with me often snacking on packets of biscuits and other unhealthy foods. Although I lived in an accommodation opposite from a Pure Gym, needless to say I did not go, and by the end of the year I found myself at a dress size 10. For a year I attempted to lose the weight, but still was not committed to going to the gym and eating healthier. For this reason it took me a year to lose only 5kg. I am happy I have managed not to gain weight but 5kg in ONE YEAR?- No Chrissy- not good enough. So I've decided to attempt to lose between 5-8kg in the course of 2-3 months in my preparation for summer. I am using the MyFitnessPal app to track my calorie intake with my aim being 1500 or less calories/day, drinking only water and going to the gym 4 times a week. Summer 2017- HERE I COME! *Salsa dancing emoji*

Follow me as I blog my day by day meals with total* calorie information, short ingredient recipes and commentary on how I am progressing in my attempt to lose weight! This blog series was created really to assist me in my issues with commitment and to also help others who have been in a similar position to myself, whatever shape or size. A lot of the time I have been dedicated to going to the gym, and losing weight but would quickly lose motivation over the course of time. Blogging my meals and staying determined to delivering updates, has helped me to stay focused on my end goal and motivated me to not only go to the gym, but eat right, hopefully achieving the results I seek. Dieting is often perceived as a form of punishment- something that you hate doing and often give up on but I hope that following me on this journey can prove that meals need not be bland, and dieting need not be difficult!

WEEK 1: 19-25th March 2017

Sunday (1,347 calories):

Breakfast: Oats in semi- skimmed milk with granola (228 calories)
Lunch: Tuna mayo sandwich (345 calories)
Snack: 1 whole orange, 2 small packets of wotsits I know I know! (242 calories)
Dinner: Peri- peri- salmon on a bed of spinach and vegetable couscous (532 Calories)
  • For Salmon: Coat with 1 tbsp. peri peri sauce, crushed chillies, salt, pepper & mixed herbs. Oven bake at 200℃ for 15-20mins or until golden brown.
  • Defrost and drain liquid of 1 cup frozen spinach. Cook with one spray of canola oil in salt & pepper.
  • Couscous soaked in seasoned hot boiled water for 5-6mins to cook. Sauté with frozen mixed vegetables. 
Monday (1,460 calories):

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast topped with avocado and an egg & a cup of tea- I use 1tsp. honey instead of sugar in all my teas (505 calories)
Lunch: 2 small microwaved sweet potatoes and an apple (305 calories)
Dinner: Coriander, chilli, garlic and lime chicken with grilled plantain, vegetable couscous and greens (650 calories)
  • For Chicken: Blend a bunch of coriander, 4-5 cloves of garlic, chillies (to your heat preference), one large onion and the juice of a lime and lemon in a little olive oil. Coat chicken in some of the mixture and oven bake it at 200℃. Freeze the rest of the mixture for use for up to 2-3 months.
  • Slice 1/2 ripe plantain into pieces and grill on a lightly greased baking dish for 20 mins or until golden brown
  • Use left over vegetable couscous from yesterday
  • Steam broccoli & green beans
Tuesday (1,311 calories):

Breakfast: Yoghurt Bowl topped with granola and strawberries (185 calories)
Lunch: Tuna mayo sandwich and an apple (446 calories)
Snack: Apples, strawberries and kiwi (139 calories)
Dinner: Wholewheat pasta with homemade bolognaise and mixed vegetables (541 calories) 
  • For bolognaise: Cook beef mince (less than 20% fat) in olive oil with onions and garlic. Season with salt, pepper, curry powder, mixed herbs, crushed chillies and one magi cube. Add one can of chopped tomatoes and cook for 5-10mins.
  • Boil 150g wholewheat pasta as per packet instructions.
  • Steam mixed vegetables from frozen.
Wednesday (1,204) calories):

Breakfast: 2 egg spinach and onion omelette with sautéed tomatoes and a cup of tea (252 calories)
Lunch: Vegetable couscous with coriander, chili, garlic and lime chicken (430 calories)
Dinner: Chicken and avocado salad (522 calories)
  • For chicken: Season one chicken breast with salt, pepper, and any other seasonings you prefer ( trying to use very minimal magi cubes as they are high in salt) and cook with 1/2 small onion in 2 sprays of canola oil.
  • To a large bowl add one packet of mixed leaf salad, 1/4 head of iceberg lettuce, 1/2 cubed avocado, 1 sliced tomato, and a stalk of sliced green onion.
  • Add cooked chicken and dress with a light dressing of your choice. I only had light mayonnaise so used 1 tbsp.
Thursday (1,093 calories):

Breakfast: Oats in semi- skimmed milk with a sliced strawberry (368 calories) 
Lunch: Leftover Coriander, chilli, garlic and lime chicken with a microwaved sweet potato and mixed vegetables (272 calories)
Dinner: Sans noodle beef stir fry with a baked plantain (453 calories)
  • For the stir fry: Cook diced beef with 2 cloves garlic and half a sliced medium onion. Season with salt, pepper, curry powder, Chinese 5 spice and 1 magi. Add in the vegetable stir fry mix with a little light and dark soy sauce. Serve garnished with sliced chillies and coriander.
  • Slice a whole ripe plantain in half, season lightly with salt and on a lightly greased baking tray, grill at 200℃ for 20 mins or until golden brown.
Friday (1,165 calories):

Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast with an egg and a cup of tea (390 calories)
Lunch: 1 leftover coriander chicken drumstick (161 calories) I woke up late on this day and so skipped lunch (which I shouldn't really have done), so I made up for the lack of lunch by having a slightly larger dinner
Dinner: Curried couscous with leftover beef stir fry (614 calories)
  • For the couscous: Soak 1/2 cup of couscous in boiled water with salt, pepper and curry powder. Add sweetcorn and mix through.
  • Top the couscous with leftover beef stir fry from yesterday's dinner.
Saturday (1224 calories):

Breakfast: 2 egg tomato and onion scramble on a piece of toast and a cup of tea (416 calories)
Lunch: Simple salad with southern grilled chicken breast and a bowl of kiwi, strawberries and apples (350 calories)
Dinner: Garlic, lemon and herb chicken breast on a bed of mashed sweet potato and spinach with plantain salsa (458 calories)
  • For the chicken: Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil, dried mixed herbs, salt, pepper, 1/2 lemon juice and a clove of minced garlic, adding the marinade to the chicken. Oven bake at 180℃ for 20mins until fully cooked.
  • For the salsa: Grill plantain until tender. Cut into small cubes and mix with diced tomatoes, onion and some fresh coriander. Season accordingly.
  • Peel and cube sweet potato cooking in salted water for about 15mins or until tender. Mash the sweet potato.
  • Defrost and cook frozen spinach in a little salt and pepper.

As you can see, I had a vast variety of meals throughout the week with not too much repetition. I am someone who hates eating the same dinner more than twice and as I did not have many lectures this week, I was able to spend enough time cooking different dishes. If you are someone who hasn't got the time to make different meals everyday, its okay! Choose one or two of the meals that are your favourite and make them as meal prep (lunch/dinner) for the week. I shall be doing this in the coming week as I am going to be working, so my lunches should all be the same in the next blog.

Weeks concluding thoughts: A Roller coaster of emotions

In the beginning of the week I was feeling motivated and determined to get on track. I went to the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The workouts were harder than I'm used to but they definitely pushed my body and I was sweating buckets at the end of each workout. Going from eating whatever I wanted, to being careful about portion sizes and what I was eating was a jump, and there were times when I was craving so many wild things that I normally wouldn't crave. Mc Donald's, jam donuts, ice- cream, sweets (YOU NAAAAAME IT). This first week has taught me that my love for cooking has manifested itself into a deeply rooted love of eating, with my moods often being connected to the feeling of being full. Hopefully over the next few weeks I can distance myself from this feeling and learn to have a positive mood regardless. Stay tuned for more!

Blog posts out every Sunday: Tweet me @Chrissola_ or snap me: @Chrissola any questions you have, and if you're joining me on this journey Good Luck! #CCC #JTTS 


  1. Wow...i must try the diet chronicles too

  2. Really loving these recipes!


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